
Showing posts from November, 2022

How Values Boost Brand Value in Brand Building?

As digital marketers are fast battling to remain human and humane against AI generative tools, sticking to strong values in the market will ensure you don’t lose grip on the essence and meaning of value creation for optimizing your brand value and equity. Your brand value is the byproduct of your values in big or small entrepreneurial projects. And your belief system will build your brand value and equity. That is why most people get mesmerized by the brand-building mindset. Don’t be one of those people. Defining values in your belief system in business will shift to a brand-building mindset focusing on purpose and value for the benefit of all parties concerned. Why We Care     Do you sometimes confuse values as the plural form of value in branding and marketing? These terms can be confusing in brand building. But they shouldn’t, especially in the context of brand building. Here is how to clarify them in the context of brand building.   The simple business context you ...

Simple Technology for Integrated Brand Building:

  Simplicity in technology does not mean you can’t power your business goals for solid brand building in the market. The most factor to consider is smart integration and ease of use. Invest in simple technology for easy, streamlined, and seamless integration and application that make your workflow easy and stress-free in Digital marketing with its demand for many online channels. That involves using digital tools and platforms to create and execute marketing campaigns to promote products, services, and brands. All the platforms, tools, and software you choose to use in your brand-building journey need seamless integration to enhance your brand-building strategies for fulfilling business goals.   As we come to the end of the year and dive deeper into the festive season, looking back at how the year unfolded, it is helpful to reflect and see you are not the same person you were last year.   The exposure to technological tools, marketing strategies, and the digital transfor...

On-Brand Building Tips During the Festive Season:

  The festive season shopping kicks off with Black Friday shopping focusing on holiday gift shopping. It is fast becoming an international thing, with many countries joining for its capitalization on the season of giving. But still intensely popular in the USA, with many people caught up in this shopping frenzy. That heralds the Christmas holiday shopping and sets the whole mood of Christmas shopping sprees when all brands compete for attention from customers in a frenzy of shopping for bargains slashed halfway down their usual marked prizes. As a brand, especially as a small and medium-sized business owner, it is always wise and advisable to remain calm, collected, and focused on your usual brand-building strategies. Panic Attacks from Bigger Brands   Avoid brand competition panic attacks during festive holiday shopping. Do not look at what other large international and national retail brands like Amazon, Walmart, Pick & Pay, or Shoprite do during these festive season...

How Blog Marketing Beats Competition in the Market:

  Competing for attention in the market is an awful brand marketing strategy. For it is based on fear, and it isn't professional. Blog marketing for brand building is a fearless marketing strategy based on boldness and is professional. There actually shouldn't be such a thing as competition in business. But just solid brand building based on the purpose and value of your business through blog marketing. Every business needs to be branded based on its unique idea and value in the market, which should be its main competitive advantage. The Saturated Global Economy The Global Market is saturated and continuously evolving with constant change challenging stability and focus in business. That can be scary and steal your imagination and creative power to penetrate the market for your brand. Most millennial entrepreneurs are constantly distracted by automatic strategies that neutralize the creative and critical approach they are supposed to exercise and enjoy in their journey of est...

How Product & Service Knowledge Boosts Brand Building:

  In my last blog post, I explored how Blog marketing helps bring order to a chaotic marketing strategy through a blog that seamlessly connects and communicates all your brand marketing and building efforts on one platform. That is on your business website. However, blog marketing won’t work if your business operates at zero tillage of product or service knowledge and information. So, it is a matter of challenging yourself as a marketer, solopreneur, freelancer, startup, and business owner to be knowledgeable and informative of the products and services you offer and be clear about their benefits and value in your industry and niche market. And the rest will follow. Why Product & Service Knowledge? Where there is a will, there is a way. If you know what you are marketing, you are bound to have a deep passion for the product or the service and how it benefits your clients and develop the drive and boldness to step into the industry and niche market without fear. That will en...

Is Your Marketing Strategy a Mayhem?

In the last blog post, I explored what to invest in your brand building . Along the way in the conversation, we realized one of the investments you need is a website with constantly updated content. And the best way or tool to do that is a blog for blog marketing and solid brand building . Let’s dive deep into this content marketing strategy. Blog Marketing brings back order in any chaotic digital marketing situation. Marketing has come to mean so many things in the creative digital economy. Especially on platforms like Tik Tok , Twitter , Instagram , LinkedIn , Pinterest, and many more out there continuously rolled out to compete for your attention as an entrepreneur, solopreneur, freelancer, startup, small- medium, and large-sized business owner. If you are not careful, you drown in all of them, and your brand marketing will sink in with you in the chaos. Scarcity Mindset Approach in Marketing The scarcity mindset approach does not work in the present-day marketing industry. Here ...