How To Make Sense of Brand Building in 2023


With 2022 fast coming to an end and the new year around the corner. How best can you prepare to make sense of brand building in 2023? In this blog post, I explore the sensibility of contextual brand building through blog marketing. Let’s dig in and walk you through the long haul to brand marketing and be ready to level up your marketing strategies in 2023 for solid brand building and footing that can sustain your brand for longevity and success in the market. That will be the best strategy to avoid mimicking other brands but to create, innovate and be original in your brand building through blog marketing.

The Sensibility of Brand Building 

The sensibility of brand-building does not happen in a vacuum and out of your brand marketing context. But within the personal, business, industry, niche, and market context based on the purpose and value of your venture. You can never successfully market your brand product or service out of these five contexts. They are the elements that will drive and direct your content marketing strategies for building a solid brand that will survive tests of time and thrive in the digital economy. Brand-building needs a holistic approach to your brand marketing. That will create a mini network of your branding strategies into a solid brand that is meaningfully developed and integrated for robust brand marketing and building. Here are the five contexts you should define in your blog marketing for integrated brand building.

Personal Context

Your passion shapes your brand and the growth of your business. What you bring to your brand-building table is what you get from your brand marketing strategies. The uniqueness of your brand starts with you as the founder of your business and how you shape it into a brand worth recognition in the business landscape, industry, niche, and market. You are a unique person, and so is your brand. You should bring in who you are through personal branding to clarify the context of the brand you are creating. Therefore, the brand you are creating for your business, industry, niche, and digital market should validate the beliefs you uphold as a person. And that shapes the value and values you can translate through your brand. If you are of low-value principles, then your brand is likely of low value in the market.

 Everything starts with you when it comes to branding. Your dreams and aspirations, talents, skills, and convictions shape the brand you will establish and how people perceive it in the market. The personal context will also mean how much you invest in yourself in building your brand and what it should be in the market without being threatened and compromised by other people and brands in the same market. You need to be creative and innovative to carve your way for your brand to pioneer what you believe in and for your brand’s sustainability and thrive in the market. You can never successfully sustain a brand where you are hardly involved.

 So, be there and allow your values to enhance the brand and add value to the brand you are building. That way, you will contribute positively to the business landscape, industry, niche, and market in which your brand exists and operates. The best strategy to clarify and bring in your context in your brand building is through blog marketing, not social media handles. Your context comes live and clear through blogging. Let your presence be felt in your brand through blog marketing for solid brand building.

Business Context

Your business idea should be brandable and create the big picture of how to build the business idea into a brand. That way, you can never miss its vision, mission, purpose, and value in the market. It will also help you to clarify the business model that will fulfill your vision and mission based on the purpose and value statement. The business context will direct business operations and procedures. It will also help in to be clear marketing strategies you can implement to take your brand to the next level. That will ensure you have great marketing strategies that suit your brand objectives.

 No successful brand building can ever happen without defining your business context. Business context is your business idea and the model of the business and whether it is product or service based, and at times it can be both. If it is both service and product, how do they align and enhance each other to avoid conflict in your brand-building strategies? Integration in business processes and procedures is key to business growth and brand building. So, a clear business context will enable streamlined integration of business operations and marketing strategies for seamless and solid brand building that boosts revenue.

Industry Context

No brand exists and operates out of the context of its industry. So, the guiding principle should be clarity of the purpose and value of your brand in that particular industry. What do you know about the industry in which you want to swim and dance for fishing? Can you speak the language of your industry? Here speaking the language of the industry is all about relating closely to the needs and demands of the industry. And how to contribute to making it clear to your audience. If not, how do you clarify your value and purpose in that industry? If you have zero knowledge of the industry, how can you help those struggling in that industry?

That is deep and calls for critical thinking to establish some sense and sensibility of it all with an open heart and soul for mindset change and adoption. Though I am also still learning, I have come to understand that digital marketing, specifically content marketing, can confuse many people. Yet it is as simple as creating content for people to learn and be open-minded to what is happening in your industry, not for robots or search engine crawlers. So, you need to create knowledgeable and informative content of value that helps people in that industry.

Many content creators are still operating under the pressure of creating for search engines. That kills the whole essence of uplifting the morale of your audience in that industry. You are not helping people. Yet the content marketing game should be people first for building good relationships by sharing industry knowledge and information. That opens opportunities for your brand to play a role in that industry. Knowing your business industry context will empower you to build a strong brand for longevity and recognition in the market.

Niche Context

Branding your business venture and operations within your niche context will give you boundaries of not getting too mixed up in your brand marketing strategies. It allows an opportunity for specialization and focuses your attention on one specialty for authority and expertise. Being a Jack of all trades is an insult to branding. It does not work and will never work. Jack of all trades is for hustlers may be! That is why hustling is painful and stressful and can be overwhelming. I know you might need food on the table, but if you fall one day or even die without establishing something tangible. How would the next person after you carry on with the brand?

The thing referred to here is the brand you are supposed to build now as a legacy to yourself and those who will come after you. So, a niche is one area you need to establish yourself and what people will know you for in your business, industry, and brand market. You need to be creative and innovative in establishing the niche context of your brand. A well-defined niche context will guide you in designing appropriate products and services that satisfy the identified needs in your chosen niche. That will help in making sense of your brand building.

Market Context

Brand building does not happen in a vacuum but in the market. That is why the starting point in brand building is brand marketing. You cannot build a brand without marketing it to the world. In our marketing situation right now in the digital economy, the scope of marketing has changed and continuously evolving due to technology that has robustly enabled digital marketing. And has become global and saturated. That understanding gives you a clear picture and context of how you should push your brand to the front for presence, positioning, awareness, promotion, and success in the global market.

The market context will help you make wise choices about marketing strategies that suit your business model and the brand products or services you bring to the market. It will help you establish the brand marketing strategies to explore and incorporate with what is happening in the market. How to level up your marketing game, and what marketing tools and apps can enhance your brand-building efforts. That way, making sense of branding in the context of the market you want your brand to rule and be recognizable. That sounds interesting, but you need to be creative and innovative in your marketing strategies and see what makes your brand stand out.

However, standing out in the market is not about competing but leveling up your marketing strategies for the sustainability and longevity of your brand in the market. The Cinderella approach to marketing, with short-form social media love letters, is fast sinking and being overtaken by long-term sustainable brand marketing strategies. That encompasses the aspects of your brand and how it contributes to the business landscape, industry, niche, and market space.

And from my experience so far, the best tool that enables clarity of yourself, your business idea, the industry, your niche, and the market landscape is blogging for blog marketing as a strategy and digital marketing channel. That makes blog marketing like creaming a cherry cake for celebrating brand positioning and longevity in the market. You can never miss the opportunity of making your clients and customers understand what you are up to in the market, both locally and globally. That is all for today. I will see you in my next blog. And if you want to work with us. Check here and get in touch.


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