
Showing posts from September, 2023

How Values Boost Brand Value in Brand Building?

As digital marketers are fast battling to remain human and humane against AI generative tools, sticking to strong values in the market will ensure you don’t lose grip on the essence and meaning of value creation for optimizing your brand value and equity. Your brand value is the byproduct of your values in big or small entrepreneurial projects. And your belief system will build your brand value and equity. That is why most people get mesmerized by the brand-building mindset. Don’t be one of those people. Defining values in your belief system in business will shift to a brand-building mindset focusing on purpose and value for the benefit of all parties concerned. Why We Care     Do you sometimes confuse values as the plural form of value in branding and marketing? These terms can be confusing in brand building. But they shouldn’t, especially in the context of brand building. Here is how to clarify them in the context of brand building.   The simple business context you ...

How To Change the Narrative of Making Money Online in The Digital Economy

September is a turning point with seasons changing and activities in entrepreneurial businesses changing to boost revenue generation and solidify your brand building in the market. It is also a time to reflect in preparation for 2024. So, let’s reflect on this trendy millionaire mindset that compromises authenticity and integrity in Digital Marketing.  How to Be a Millionaire is like a hot Hip Hop lyric on social media. And that is from the traditional multi-million business mindset. However, creating value to generate wealth is a brand-building mindset that suits the digital economy. So, where do you stand as an entrepreneur in the digital economy? Are you ready to explore this conversation for a total transformation in the narrative? Transforming how you think and do things in the digital economy landscape will make your brand-building journey and process exciting to establish yourself and your business venture as a brand.   Here is the thing. People talk about how to mak...

How Corporate Identity Mentality Compares to Brand Identity in Digital Marketing

Has the romance between you and your customers become toxic and distant? And marketing your business, nothing exciting but a burden on yourself as a founder and to your stakeholders? It shouldn’t. Someone might want to ask, why refer to romance in business? September brings that sense of the desire to change with that passionate and refreshing feeling of renewal in spirit and falling head over heels in love with anything you do.   Be it love in a romantic sense and love for what you are doing. Seriously, in business these days, you need to have that romantic drive and passion to remain the hero and heroine of your brand for the power to be the knight in shining armor of your target audience and users. They should fall head over heels with you and your offers in the market. However, that doesn’t come easy in today’s market, where the demography of the market segment is composed of the millenniums. Gen Z, Y, and a few digital-minded baby boomers with their deep sense of marketing ...

How To Clarify Marketing in Digital Marketing for Solid Brand Building

Has Your Marketing become a mixed-up affair of tech tools and strategies in digital marketing? It shouldn’t! With emerging technologies and machine learning, your marketing can end up with a mixed web affair of tech tools and marketing strategies, leaving the purpose and value of your business out of the context of the present-day human-centric approach in marketing that calls for planning and seamless navigation for optimizing results. Remember, marketing is a long-term process and focuses on relationship building. So, create a solid plan and system. Here is how best you can go about it.  Clarity in anything enables a big picture of it all for easy navigation. In the digital economy, marketing has evolved into a creative and innovative manipulation of modern marketing technologies that mostly leave purpose and value out of the context of the present-day human-centric approach to marketing and entrepreneurship. That calls for careful planning and strategizing for seamless naviga...