How Corporate Identity Mentality Compares to Brand Identity in Digital Marketing

Has the romance between you and your customers become toxic and distant? And marketing your business, nothing exciting but a burden on yourself as a founder and to your stakeholders? It shouldn’t. Someone might want to ask, why refer to romance in business? September brings that sense of the desire to change with that passionate and refreshing feeling of renewal in spirit and falling head over heels in love with anything you do. 

Be it love in a romantic sense and love for what you are doing. Seriously, in business these days, you need to have that romantic drive and passion to remain the hero and heroine of your brand for the power to be the knight in shining armor of your target audience and users. They should fall head over heels with you and your offers in the market.

However, that doesn’t come easy in today’s market, where the demography of the market segment is composed of the millenniums. Gen Z, Y, and a few digital-minded baby boomers with their deep sense of marketing and branding in a more meaningful way. And not the drama and trauma of selling and being sold to through desperate influencers romanticizing fake success on social media platforms. That is why you should think more of brand identity than corporate identity in positioning your brand in the creative digital economy.

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity is more of a traditional outlook to business that revolves around bureaucratic communication, behavior, language, philosophy, design, and culture with well-guarded branding. It limits genuine person-to-person digital interaction with your business. It lacks substance and meaning in providing and bringing value that your audience and users might need in life and business. 

Anything corporate is mass production, mass market, and mass attention and does not care whether it is of value or benefit to their customer needs and pain points. Moolah is their focus through shrewd competitive tactics that leave human compassion and empathy out of the business picture.

Their corporate identity is their business suits and uniforms for general workers. Service above self is a language they hardly speak. And is limited and blocked by layers of bureaucracy that can eat into the creative, innovative, and human-centric approach expected of any business in the global digital market.

Brand Identity

The people-first and customer-centric approach in brand building will make your business touch the hearts and souls of all the demographic segments of your target audience and users. How you can easily do that is to embrace, adopt, and assume brand identity over traditional corporate identity in the market for solid brand building.

Here is the thing. Toxicity and resistance to change, especially in the corporate world is killing business and retarding progress in brand building on digital spaces. It limits creativity in impacting the world and can sink and swallowed into nonexistence in the comfort of corporate work suits and bureaucratic titles that enclose everyone into a cage and brackets of the comfort zone with no outlook on business and how best you can do it in a more exciting and enriching adventure for impact of value in the world.

Maybe you haven’t observed how most corporate employees and their leaders always wear bored and weary faces along their corridors of power and on their chairs of instructions and directives. So, if you are in the corporate world and still insist on corporate identity, you need sprucing and dressing up. However, this time, you are not using expensive designer suits, shoe labels, makeup, or title positions on the corporate ladder. Nope, but to assume a strong brand identity.

Here are the brand-building props you need to transform your corporate identity mindset into a brand identity.

Entrepreneurship Mindset

Within the entrepreneurship mindset lies the creative and innovative power of transforming your outlook on business in the present digital economy, where innovation and creativity are the game. Imagine a world where business activities remain static and do the same boring traditional retail, buying and selling goods without digital marketing. 

Would you love and enjoy living and operating your business venture in such a world? A big no is what I should hear from you. I have become a real enthusiast in digital marketing through blog marketing as the only marketing strategy that brings value and benefit to all parties concerned in the entrepreneurial and digital marketing game.

That is why an entrepreneurial mindset would help you imagine a better business world and way of doing stuff. It all starts with you, not only with Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, Steve Jobs, or Strive Masiyiwa. You have the power to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit of being creative and innovative enough to make your business venture and marketing more exciting and meaningful, like the Amazon founder who imagined an online bookshop that has grown as massive as the Amazon River.

I also have my two books swimming in it, for I also felt I could not miss such a noble opportunity and service. Wonderful. Isn’t it? An entrepreneurial mindset gives you the power to own your identity as a brand. That will strengthen your brand identity in your offers in the market. That leads me to my next step in changing your mindset.

Branding Mindset

Branding gives you the power to be a brand in the market. Whether it is personal branding or business, they are all on the same side of the coin. Your identity will enhance your brand identity in the market. You are what they will see in your brand. Your branding power lies within your identity, like Elon Musk, whose identity through tweets on his Twitter [X] identifies him as the real man behind the brand and in the tech industry game with no fluffy comments but facts of what he believes in and what he is driving at each time he comes out with new entrepreneurial ideas.

That is why the corporate identity mindset gets limited here. It doesn’t allow employees and leaders opportunities for individual identity through personal branding as an intrapreneur within the corporate system. Yet personal branding is the first step in making you believe in yourself as an individual to cultivate some confidence in doing anything to be yourself and being the best of yourself in doing anything.

 General reports observe that most corporate companies hardly hire former entrepreneurs and despise them for their entrepreneurial drive. That is why most of these corporate companies remain static and stuck with no excitement of moving on with technology and new ideas. They are always scared of losing their heavy jackets of corporate identity through dogmatic rules and regulations that limit progressive thinking and embracing creativity and innovation.

Most of them end up filing for bankruptcy. Entrepreneurial businesses hardly file for bankruptcy. They know what brand building means through innovative approaches to marketing strategies and creativeness in problem-solving for human-centric solutions. In corporate business, the sense of branding is nonexistent. The bureaucratic layers neutralize creativity to problem-solving, and solutions end up shrouded in centralized monopoly in decision-making.  

Yet branding for brand building needs more freedom in exploring user-friendly solutions with digital marketing strategies constantly introduced in the market. When free in personal branding and branding your business, marketing becomes a real exciting adventure in your brand-building journey and process. It will be easy to assume a marketing mindset and drop the traditional selling strategy mindset. Let’s jump in and explore the Marketing mindset.

Digital Marketing Mindset

Selling makes you look miserable and desperate to your customers. Digital Marketing through brand building and well-guided social media marketing makes you the queen and king of the business game. Selling creates a scarcity mindset that can easily make your target customers run away from your business. Marketing inspires interest and loyalty to your brand and offers. Marketing through brand building will crack the secret code of digital marketing through blogging on your business website and establishing a platform where your brand has the power to be in charge and rule the world.

You have already seen that branding is the foundation of your digital marketing. Marketing always comes after branding. Whether it is personal branding or business branding, that is why corporate identity is hard to break even in brand building.  So, you can give due respect to your business by featuring it here on The Joyful Copywriter, a blog marketing platform where global brands feel at home and dry for digital presence and exposure. The corporate business world has zero respect for personal branding and a limiting sense of business branding. Mostly, their brand marketing sense always ends with an elaborate logo design. That’s it.

They hardly consider other enhancing content marketing strategies like blogging about their purpose and value in their industry and the world. No one is directly answerable to such stuff. They take it as small despite the changes happening in today’s business landscape. In marketing, a brand is more interesting to talk about than just a business or a company.

 Marketing a brand keeps customers and yourself interested in what you offer, just like any brand refreshed with updates and touchups for relevance and currency that amplifies customer retention and brand loyalty. Marketing makes your brand profitable for sustainability and longevity in the game. There is no fear of bankruptcy but success and growth through solid brand building. That drives us to the other mindset that will boost your brand identity for brand building in the market.

Growth mindset

You are what you think. Never think and see your personal or business brand as an entrepreneur, solopreneur, creator, freelancer, startup, and business owner as too small to grow. You will never have the power to imagine the possibilities that lie ahead in your brand-building journey and process. Corporate businesses, like corporations think they are already big and never explore growth opportunities. 

Brands start with a growth mindset approach step by step to accommodate new ways of doing things and new ideas to incorporate into their business operations and processes. As a brand, you don’t enforce the spirit of a one-size-fits-all kind of mentality. You strive to offer the best with a deep consideration of getting to the sweet spot for your personas to expand your reach in a relevant style. Your growth mindset stretches your mind to explore possibilities for steering oceans toward bigger dreams.

A growth mindset never gives up to hiccups in the market. It never thinks of chasing job promotions to climb the corporate ladder. Never, it seeks problem-solving opportunities through entrepreneurial business lines that create solutions for other entrepreneurs and the general population. A growth mindset is not short-sighted. It is a long-term perspective of what you should do and how you should do it to make the world a better place to live, learn, work, and do business.

It is immune to the shiny object syndrome that comes with an overnight success mentality. That can be distractive and kill entrepreneurial spirit. Brand building guided and powered by a growth mindset should be a dreamy journey full of exciting entrepreneurial adventures, rather than the dead corporate dream of being big without pursuing massive impact and influence on the global market, where the sky is the limit with a deep desire for value creation and delivery through tapping into your talents, skills, and knowledge.

A growth mindset spells ambition and drive to reach great heights. You become proactive in diversifying your business opportunities and new lines that can expand and reach new regions in different parts of the globe. That leads us to the last but not least, the mindset change you need to adopt brand identity rather than corporate identity.

Global Mindset

The corporate world has always shunned cultural diversity. Some corporate organizations with a deep corporate identity mindset even limited their services to other localities and regions they believed to be inferior to their offers with the mentality that outside nations are not a good fit for the value of their goods and services. 

However, with the advent of technology and digital marketing, such biases are becoming a thing of the past. And those who still hold on to such stereotypes will remain isolated from the exciting opportunities of the unchartered global green and fertile markets on the internet globe.

So, as an entrepreneur, you need to think globally. And the best way to do that is to drop the corporate business mindset and assume the entrepreneurial brand-building mindset. Think global in your business pursuits. You can imagine the Amazon way like Jeff Bezos. The digital market knows no boundaries through digital marketing, especially blog marketing, where it is easy to appeal to different cultures and backgrounds.

The internet has reduced the world into a global village. Online service provision and digital marketing strategies like blog marketing, where brands can do it their way, have eaten up cultural boundaries. Business websites through blog marketing have become oases where customers and users can quench their hunger and thirst for knowledge and information to feel inspired and motivated in their quest and effort to remain standing in their business ventures and brand building for online presence and exposure on the global platform.

 A global mindset helps to expand your network for nurturing a global audience that can expand brand identity and reach on the digital global market. That gives you and your brand opportunities to explore new possibilities and access resources, like human resources, new perspectives, talent, and skills. That is, leveraging cultural diversity of ideas that serve people from different backgrounds and contexts to make your brand an economic powerhouse for cultural diversity and inclusivity. So, don’t limit your business by holding on to a limiting corporate identity outlook. Think about brand identity and be a global brand.


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