Foundational Needs for a Solid Brand Strategy in Digital Marketing:
Whether newly stepping into your entrepreneurial business adventure or rebranding to expand and level up your brand, you must know where and how to start your brand-building process and journey. How best to go about your brand-building process and journey is one of the first questions that any entrepreneur, creator, freelancer, solopreneur, startup founder or CEO, and small business person asks themselves. So, where should you start and how? Let’s dig in and explore the main components of your brand strategy for solid brand building. Brand Building Brand building is critical in being an entrepreneur and starting a business . However, where to and how to begin your brand-building process and journey does not need rocket science like in Elon Musk’s Space X; nope, but brand-building sense in understanding digital marketing. All you can do is explore what is practical and functional in the digital marketing ecosystem, especially amid the frenzy of Generative AI tools and apps invading e...