
Showing posts from February, 2024

How Values Boost Brand Value in Brand Building?

As digital marketers are fast battling to remain human and humane against AI generative tools, sticking to strong values in the market will ensure you don’t lose grip on the essence and meaning of value creation for optimizing your brand value and equity. Your brand value is the byproduct of your values in big or small entrepreneurial projects. And your belief system will build your brand value and equity. That is why most people get mesmerized by the brand-building mindset. Don’t be one of those people. Defining values in your belief system in business will shift to a brand-building mindset focusing on purpose and value for the benefit of all parties concerned. Why We Care     Do you sometimes confuse values as the plural form of value in branding and marketing? These terms can be confusing in brand building. But they shouldn’t, especially in the context of brand building. Here is how to clarify them in the context of brand building.   The simple business context you ...

Lifestyle Aspects to Generate Business Ideas for Brand Building

How do I find business ideas in an oversaturated market? That is a common question most wantrepreneur and visionary entrepreneurs seeking to diversify, rebrand, and expand their empires always ask themselves. Of course, the basic principle is not to reinvent the wheel. But to be creative and innovative. You do not need to waste your creative power by doing something someone has already done successfully.  That mindset of not reinventing the wheel for venturing into the entrepreneurial world is a strong foundation for solid brand building based on the purpose and value of your business venture .   Remember, a well-defined business venture starts with a strong business idea, clarified and niched into a simple and practical business model. That empowers and enables you to build a viable, functional, and valuable brand for impact and influence in your industry in a business landscape that is rotting with disruptions and duplication of more or less the same kind of idea, especia...

How to Build Your Brand as a Valuable Asset in the Digital Clutter

Your brand is your business's main asset. But creating and building it into a valuable asset in the digital clutter is not a shopping spree. It is growing harder than ever to market and sell any product or service offline and probably worse online. Breaking through the digital clutter and rising above the tech digital woes can be overwhelming, especially as the months get deeper into 2024, a year that we would love to dub, if you allow us as on-brand copywriters, as a year for thoughtfulness for discernment in the use of generative AI tech tools in the business landscape, especially in digital marketing.   As on-brand copywriters, we believe that tech trends and disruptions should not distract your dreams and aspirations in creating and building a purpose and value-based brand for providing solutions and benefits to its target consumer market.  Remember how most disruptive tech solutions have left a dent in compromising human standards in doing work and keeping it real and...

Copywriting as an Investment in Digital Marketing for Solid Brand Building

In Digital Marketing, every copy on your business website must enhance and promote solid brand building. Based on the purpose and value of your business venture, it must seek to inspire, inform, educate, entertain, empower, and humanize your brand and its offers for appreciation and intimate connection with your target users and consumers.   That is why you must invest in professional copywriting services and hire self-driven copywriters who can diagnose and crack into the secret code of your brand-building needs for long-term value and benefit in your brand-building process and journey. Why Investing in Copywriting?   Remember, it is 2024, and if you are still stuck with the decision of investing in copywriting in your brand-building process and journey, you will miss the valuable power of Content Marketing that is key and king in Digital Marketing . Copywriting enables well-crafted, on-brand web copies that are powerful and relevant for digital marketing. Whether you do i...

What is the Role of Branding in Digital Marketing?

Do you ever wonder how branding helps in Digital marketing? The digital market has become saturated and is continuously getting oversaturated, with entrepreneurial ventures seeking attention from consumers and loyalty for long-term business relationships with them as brands of preference in the oversaturated market.   So, if you only create and build your business without some sense and sensibility to branding , your brand-building process and journey are bound to be chaotic and mayhem. And instead of promoting your business venture, it might distort and underplay its purpose and value in the market. Branding  In the present-day creative and innovative economy, the new norm is branding your business venture based on its purpose and value for differentiation in the market. Branding and marketing  terms are forever evolving, especially in digital marketing with AI inventions and marketing tools and apps.   However, the best way not to get distracted in your brand-...