
Showing posts from May, 2024

How Values Boost Brand Value in Brand Building?

As digital marketers are fast battling to remain human and humane against AI generative tools, sticking to strong values in the market will ensure you don’t lose grip on the essence and meaning of value creation for optimizing your brand value and equity. Your brand value is the byproduct of your values in big or small entrepreneurial projects. And your belief system will build your brand value and equity. That is why most people get mesmerized by the brand-building mindset. Don’t be one of those people. Defining values in your belief system in business will shift to a brand-building mindset focusing on purpose and value for the benefit of all parties concerned. Why We Care     Do you sometimes confuse values as the plural form of value in branding and marketing? These terms can be confusing in brand building. But they shouldn’t, especially in the context of brand building. Here is how to clarify them in the context of brand building.   The simple business context you ...

Five Aspects for Building a Sustainable Brand in a Digital Economy

Success in brand building is not an overnight achievement. Most entrepreneurs in the creative industry have come to realize that things do not just happen. Every successful story has a heartfelt and inspiring story behind it. So, from that understanding, it is clear that it takes a  long-term approach mindset to turn any entrepreneurial story into glory. And that is always shaped by the entrepreneurial mindset of the personal brand behind the creator and builder of the brand. And with our nosy tendencies to sniff what is good and what is empowering in most of the stories we search and research, it is inspiring to know that any brand-building process and journey has traceable steps to make it happen online and offline. The steps you take should not be in disintegration of the purpose and value of your business venture but a streamlined process for solid brand building. Brand Building Reflections When we started this story of having some  brand-building sense and drive, no matte...

Characteristics of Quality Content for Solid Brand Building in the Era of AI Algorithms

In Digital Marketing, content has always been king and a gateway to Google search on the internet. So, quality content that is relevant in today’s business landscape has become imperative. The aftermath of the March Google Search de-indexing vast amounts of URLs from the Google Search index was a wake-up call to many who had their websites obliterated by Google in recent months. The main drive behind all these Google updates is to make creators, marketers, and site owners focus on creating helpful and reliable content that is people first, not search engines first, with the idea of wanting to manipulate search engine algorithms.   So, how best can you turn the tables against all the past and coming Google Search Engine Algorithm updates ? Quality content is the answer and solution to betray any Google Search updates and remain focused in your brand building process and journey. Why We Care? The controversy comes from the requirements of Google from content creators and publisher...

How To Optimize Brand Visibility in Digital Marketing:

Do you feel your brand is getting buried and swallowed in the oversaturated digital market? You are not alone. Besides driving quality traffic to your site, brand visibility and identity have become a challenge in the present-day digital economy, where brand marketing has evolved into various digital marketing strategies. The deep oceans of AI-generated algorithms in the digitized economy can be overwhelming with distractions and disruptions from tech industry creators and Generative AI tools.   However, it is what it is, and you should not run away from it but learn to survive and thrive in it all. Let’s dig in and explore the survival skills and techniques for solid brand building.  Brand Building Mindset in Digital Marketing So, whether your entrepreneurial venture is a hustle, startup, or small business, have a brand-building mindset. In the digital economy, a brand is a brand and should not be confused with any other brand in the industry and niche it is operating and ...

How To Attract Quality Traffic to Your Website in the Era of AI

Traffic is the heartbeat of any website for content, eCommerce, portfolio, or affiliate marketing. So, it should be your priority and focus. It is not just traffic but quality traffic. That means attracting qualified leads searching for what you offer in the market. Quality traffic is the lifeline and bloodstream of all your brand-building efforts. In the intricate maze of emerging technologies, mastering the art of appropriate digital marketing strategies and tools will ensure solid brand building for sustainable longevity in the market.     Marketing for brand building is not an automated low-quality number game. Digital Marketing in the digital economy sense is about quality and qualified leads who can read and appreciate your business purpose and value in the market. So, it is not about the number of followers, especially in brand building. It is about the quality and quantity of traffic flow your website receives consistently. Advertising is not about the vol...