How Brand Clarity Boosts Confidence in the Digital Global Market:

Thrive Global is no longer just an imagination or a business name of the Thrive Global company. It is now a reality to pursue and live for it. Going global and shipping abroad has become every entrepreneur’s dream. Most entrepreneurs in almost all sectors seem to have grasped the brand-building sense based on value creation and value addition in their entrepreneurial ideas and pursuits.

That is from the deep rural of any country in the world to all the urban mindset of making it big and living the reality of their creative passions and entrepreneurial digital lifestyles. Whether as a Youtuber, an artist, an African cultural fashion designer, a homestead farmer, or an agri-prenuer in the rural setting or urban. That global dream is strengthening the brand-building mindset through appreciating technology and digital marketing strategies.

Globetrotting Mindset

So, with that global dream and the globetrotting mindset for recognition in the digital global world, presence and visibility online is essential. Therefore, brand clarity for brand identity, positioning, presence, and influence has become necessary and imperative. So, how best can you define what you are doing to have the power to present it as a brand in the market and build it into a global brand the audience can appreciate internationally?

Your mindset and the vision you carve for what you are doing are the starting point. And that can be clarified by how you define and clarify your brand in all your marketing strategies. Besides focusing on purpose and value-based branding and marketing, you need clarity on whether your brand marketing strategy is based exclusively on a clear brand concept for business branding or exclusively on product, service, or personal branding.

That means clarifying your branding and marketing strategies to focus on the conceptual context of your business, product, service, or personal brand. That will amplify the clarity of your brand in the digital global economy. So, how best can you navigate the unavoidable global market that nearly every entrepreneur seems to be chasing for solid brand building?

Busting the Imposter Syndrome

The imposter syndrome and fear of putting oneself out there in the world have always been due to a lack of clarity in your brand purpose and value in the market. But the brand-building mindset is amplified by the creator economy activating the desire for the audience to watch, see and hear them. 

And contribute some value to making the world a better place to live, learn, work, and do business with creativity and innovation as the basis for an entrepreneurial lifestyle. That is liberating and fulfilling. That means most entrepreneurs have realized that technology and the internet are continuously going to be the driving tools for success in the global digital economy.

So, how do you define and clarify your brand in the market? That will boost your confidence in presenting yourself as a local or international brand where you are not scared of shipping your products to any part of the world as an entrepreneur, solopreneur, small business person, freelancer, creator, and marketer in any industry and niche. 

Here are the five brand aspects you can explore and understand what you are doing in branding and marketing your entrepreneurial project and venture as a brand in the market.  That will optimize brand clarity for solid brand building in the saturated market. Let’s dig in and explore these five brand definitions for clarity in brand building.

Brand Concept

Any novel and visionary concept can be translated and developed into a brand. Any powerful brand starts with a clearly defined business idea conceptualized into a viable business model. On the surface, most people confuse the brand concept with the business name. In brand building, a brand concept relates to the deep meaning and conceptualization of the business name in alignment with the business idea for easy translation and development into a business model.

 That means digging deep into the meaning and sense of the business concept for solid brand building based on its purpose and value in the market. And that will clarify the brand concept and see what business model would help to make it a viable and profitable undertaking in the market. The most common entrepreneurial business conceptualization for brand clarity, identity, positioning, presence, authority, and influence are business, product, service, and personal brand.

Business Brand

That is the most common in branding and marketing. Traditionally, it is the entire corporate identity of your company. And a corporate brand is everything in the business model for corporate identity.  It is a business venture based on a novel idea and conceptualized business model. So, you will base its branding and marketing on its purpose and value in the market. That makes it unique for differentiation and standing out in the market.

So, the business brand is the holistic picture of everything you do for branding and marketing your business venture as the whole business entity, the business concept, products, or service, and enhanced and promoted by your brand as the founder and visionary behind the business venture or company. Infused with your brand concept will make your business brand influential for solid brand building in the market.

Product Brand

Many people in the present creator economy are getting lured into the entrepreneurial business game. The best strategy is to focus on your creative passions and how to brand and market them to the world as a brand. That means choosing to specialize in a particular product that exploits your creative juices and sets your entrepreneurial offer apart for solid brand building.

Here, quality, packaging, and delivery are the winning strategies. One of the mysteries of the brand-building mindset is that people don’t like scientific experiments in the business landscape. They want practical solutions and user-friendly products that help them get from point A to B in life and business.

We always say in today’s economy, the consumer has become educated and learned. Even an open market stall needs branding to attract the target market. If you choose to sell tomatoes, sell fresh tomatoes. And if you are selling green vegetables, focus on fresh green vegetables and build a reputation. This concept is applicable in all industries, like beauty and fashion. And if well followed, it promotes sanity in the already crowded markets.

If you have traveled around the world in most developing and some developed countries, you have seen the chaos with vendors when they fight for attention from any passerby they see as a prospect. They always rush to them in droves. That creates mayhem in the branding and marketing industry at the hustle and stall business setups. That is why brand clarity promotes professional branding and marketing for solid brand building.

Service Brand

It is not easy to brand a service-based business. However, it is doable with contextual conceptualization, focus, and specialization. Here, you should sell a service, not disintegrated services. That is why the most identifiable ones are airlines, hotels, car rentals, and estate agents with the modern Airbnb business model. And unlike a product, there is no packaging as such. But .presentation and customer attention should always be spot on. In brand building, your bet is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in your service provision enterprise.

You have heard and seen some service facilities shunned by prospective return clients due to poor service. That is becoming nullified by the brand-building mindset at the global level. That means focusing on delivering unique and quality service to attract new customers and retaining old ones with exceptional customer service.

I have always experienced this drawback in most service providers like bakeries and fruit and vegetable supermarket shelves, where there is always a mixture of all kinds of groceries. Some of the shelves in these mixed-up supermarkets hardly maintain user experience by providing fresh and crunch bakes or very fresh vegetables due to a lack of brand-building mindset on behalf of the supplier, like what Fresh in a Box seems to have adopted. There are so many food products I have since stopped buying in supermarkets because they are always stale. That way, compromising the brand building for longevity in the market.

Personal Brand

That is also common but hardly understood and inappropriately practiced in today’s digital economy. Your brand should align with what you want to be known for in alignment with your business idea, concept, and model based on the purpose and value of what you do in the market. In digital marketing for brand building, your brand can elevate your visibility, authority, and influence to boost sustainability and thrive in the digital economy.

The best strategy for enhancing your brand is aligning it with the brand concept for your business venture or personal brand. Most entrepreneurs have become familiar with storytelling. However, a personal brand story that is not closely aligned with the vision, mission, purpose, and value of the brand concept hardly holds water. Therefore, for your story to meaningfully serve your followers and attract subscribers, it must be substantially valuable and benefit your target audience.

Your story must not be ordinary birth, family, and school and college attendance-based type. You must infuse it with relevant details that enhance your brand concept and essence. You can weave in skills, talents, experience, knowledge of your industry or niche, and the difference you bring to the world. That will bring brand clarity for optimizing the value of your brand in the market.


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