How Blog Marketing Cuts Marketing Costs in the Era of AI Tools

Have you ever stopped to see how the business landscape is continuously becoming complex with rising marketing costs due to new AI generative tools and apps in the market? That affects the whole e-commerce industry and deters the adoption of the brand-building mindset that focuses on the purpose and value-based approach in branding and marketing strategies. However, blog marketing as a content marketing strategy can easily sustain marketing if it is purpose and value-based for brand-building-driven digital marketing strategies.

How Blog Marketing Cuts Marketing Costs

This marketing strategy uses blogs to inspire and empower your target audience based on their needs, benefits, questions, and queries about your products and services. It is organic and compelling to the natural senses of your buyer persona and target audience. That brings the holistic perspective in digital marketing with a therapeutic sense of being human and humane in your marketing strategies or solid brand building.

 Marketing costs have significantly grown due to the new era of AI adoption. That affects digital marketing in getting new customers for your business growth and brand building as a small and medium business. That compromises their ROI in your marketing and sales efforts. However, that should not discourage you. If you visit our 2024 Brand Building Tips Calendar, you will realize that September is about exploring new strategies for constant transformation.

So, how can you best manage constant transformation and remain relevant in your marketing strategies to boost solid brand-building? Here are the five elements to understand how blog marketing boosts ROI in digital marketing and how you can understand and implement it for sustainable brand building in an economy where marketing costs are constantly skyrocketing.


The purpose and value of your business venture are the context in which your blog marketing strategy should revolve and evolve for brand identity, positioning, presence, influence, and authority in the market. No business can thrive without creating clear boundaries for its existence in the turbulent digital market, with hungry sharks seeking to swallow anything threatening their AI-generated capabilities in gaining chunks of the market share due to the quick and savvy adoption of AI tech tools and apps.

Therefore, the context and adoption of any tech tools and apps should always be the guideline. No trustworthy business should operate and perform out of context for solid brand building. As we get deeper into the year like this and look forward to remaining focused on the coming year, it is helpful to understand the context of all your marketing efforts and how best you can reduce costs and be consistent in your branding and marketing efforts for solid brand building.

Understanding the context of your business venture will make it easier to define the products and services you are supposed to provide on what platform and how you will deliver them to the target audience. No business in today's digital world can exist online without creating a brand presence of what it does and what it is up to online without blogging. Blog marketing is the holistic strategy to present the big picture of what your business is pursuing to be known for as a brand of purpose and value in the market. That boosts solid brand building based on its purpose and value.


Content is king, and in blog marketing, it’s the queen for making your digital marketing efforts a walk in the park. That is why blog marketing is one of the highly effective marketing strategies for boosting customer loyalty and advocacy. Content is a vehicle for building value to optimize connections with your customers. That is achievable with its power to stick and elaborate its purpose and value in the market through blogging.

Marketers write blogs according to different topics that revolve around the purpose and value of your business venture. That helps to clarify and enhance the benefit of your products and services in the market when your customers and clients have questions about your products or services. They can be sent and directed to your website from any social media platform you might have chosen to suit your brand.

That is how you can repurpose content and ensure it is fulfilling your brand-building efforts without losing touch with the purpose and value of your business venture. Content creation for brand building becomes more meaningful and helpful if it revolves around your brand purpose and value for relevance and direction of what you are pursuing to build and establish in the market.

Many businesses are fast realizing that having substandard developed business outlets is not the best strategy for growth and longevity in the market. Sustainability in brand building is the name of the game and helps to cut marketing costs through bog marketing based on the purpose and value of your venture. That promotes brand identity, positioning, presence, influence, and authority in the market. Focusing on building one well-defined brand identity in the market makes entrepreneurship interesting for solid brand building.


The connection does not happen on a broken circuit. Intact circuits maintain a stable flow of power currents to brighten the bulbs for attraction and attention to everything around them. That is the same system and process in marketing for solid brand building. You create the context of your business and clarify what is in it for your target audience through content. 

Content can be your product descriptions, service programs outlined, and, best of all, blogs for answering questions and queries and clarifying the big picture of your business like its vision, mission, unique value proposition, and all these revolving and aligned with the purpose and value of your business.

Therefore, your context, content, and connection should revolve around your brand promise for relevance and the direction of where your brand should go in its brand-building process and journey. Connection means inspiring and empowering your target market to go with the flow of your offers and having the feel of their benefit that contributes to their own lives and businesses for the betterment of society and themselves.

There is no connection without connectivity. And the medium for connectivity is blog marketing through blogging. No one in real life gets connected to someone they hardly relate to. In blog marketing, comprehensive content promotes mutual understanding of your brand to its target consumers through blogs. That helps to clarify your purpose and value for long-term business relationships that boost solid brand building.


The community-building mindset is taking the digital marketing landscape by storm. Yet, it has limiting factors when imagining the big picture of your brand and the brand-building strategy. Most entrepreneurs and marketers are biased in how best to use the community mindset for solid brand building. Community does not mean closing the boundaries of your marketing efforts. Brand building should not be exclusive but inclusive, like Google, Apple, and Amazon. They are globally reachable and accessible to anyone to utilize and benefit from their products and services.

So, community building narrows outreach, and as a way of boosting brand building, it can sometimes limit your perspective in brand building. A brand is a brand. And anyone can interact with what you offer and be part of what you do. Some social media platforms seem to have created this biased mindset of limiting free interaction by insisting on premium and non-premium members.

Well, we do not mean everything should be free. But as a brand-building mindset advocate, we feel brand does not mean for paid members only. Creating something or helping the world does not need to be selective of a specific category of people. Marketing should be inclusive and relevant for inspiration and insight into the business world. Therefore, everyone should find it helpful to their life and business pursuits. 


Conversion is one of the performance indicators of all your marketing efforts that every entrepreneur and marketer seeks to achieve. The best guiding principle as an entrepreneur and marketer is what do you want your persona or target consumer to convert to? That should never happen at a high cost of buying leads in the name of marketing. Subscribers do not mean they will buy your products or use your services.

So, nurturing your target audience does not call for cash but content to make them understand your purpose and value in the context of your business, as clarified by the content, connection, and community. Conversion happens from these four elements that further help to define your market segment for relevant and quality lead generation. Quality conversions come from the connection between your brand and your target customer.

The driving force for meaningful connection that leads to conversion is content relevant to search queries and questions your target consumers might have. Therefore, make sure you have direct links on your blog.

Your blog must connect your customers to how your product or service will benefit them and what they should do to access the benefit. Conversions follow the process of understanding what problem it solves and how it will help them. So, conversion is not about the features of your product or service but about the benefits that add value to your target consumers. And blog marketing based on the purpose and value of your venture optimizes conversion.


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