Is Manifestation a Business Strategy for Brand Building?
Manifestation is a trendy belief most millennials, Gen Y, and Z seem to have adopted in the creative economy. They use the term to instill a luxury mindset of flouting flashy lifestyle achievements and six-figure income streams from brand deals and other creative projects. Do creators and founders need manifestation or conviction and strategy in pursuing their entrepreneurial dreams? Think brand building for sustainability and longevity in the market. How do you sustain manifestation without an entrepreneurial mindset for brand-building? Maybe the manifestation concept is the business strategy. If it is, what is the business idea, concept, model, purpose, and value that will guide value creation, branding, and marketing activities for solid brand building in the market? Again, can manifestation shape the business world that is now a playground for tech experiments from competitors and enthusiasts? Why We Care The wake-up call is creators and entrepreneurs should b...