How Values Boost Brand Value in Brand Building?

As digital marketers are fast battling to remain human and humane against AI generative tools, sticking to strong values in the market will ensure you don’t lose grip on the essence and meaning of value creation for optimizing your brand value and equity. Your brand value is the byproduct of your values in big or small entrepreneurial projects. And your belief system will build your brand value and equity. That is why most people get mesmerized by the brand-building mindset. Don’t be one of those people. Defining values in your belief system in business will shift to a brand-building mindset focusing on purpose and value for the benefit of all parties concerned. Why We Care     Do you sometimes confuse values as the plural form of value in branding and marketing? These terms can be confusing in brand building. But they shouldn’t, especially in the context of brand building. Here is how to clarify them in the context of brand building.   The simple business context you ...

Is Manifestation a Business Strategy for Brand Building?

Manifestation is a trendy belief most millennials, Gen Z, and Y seem to have adopted in the creative economy. They use the term to instill a luxury mindset by flouting flashy lifestyle achievements and six-figure income streams from brand deals and other creative projects. So, do you need manifestation to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams as a creator and founder? No, you don’t need manifestation but conviction and strategy. You need a brand-building mindset for sustainability and longevity in the market.

Though most people have come to believe in the power of manifestation, you need a strategy to turn it into reality. How do you sustain manifestation without an entrepreneurial mindset for brand-building? Maybe the manifestation concept is the business strategy.  

If it is, what do you want to do? What is the business idea, concept, model, purpose, and solution you will provide that guides value creation, branding, and marketing activities for solid brand building in the market?  Again, can manifestation shape the business world that is now a playground for tech experiments from competitors and enthusiasts?

Why We Care 

The wake-up call is creators and entrepreneurs should believe in business strategy for solid brand building, not manifestation with zero strategy. And business ventures should be based on value creation from their creative business projects. They say it takes years to build an economy. So, why would you confuse the world by making them believe in manifestation? Business is business. It demands value creation for value exchange in the market for the financial wheel to go on for value circulation in the economy.

Let’s be realistic about my experience and the values I uphold in brand building. There is no manifestation without investing in yourself for personal development in a relevant skillset that optimizes personal branding and self-promotion for brand building. Make yourself the business of your brand.

So, as we get ready to dive into 2025 as a transformative year, you must change your manifestation mindset into a brand-building mindset. Here is how you can explore a skillset that will inspire and empower you to start working on your brand building strategy as a creator.

Unique Ideation

Be guided by your passion-based purpose. And you will never feel its work for income generation but for value creation and addition that contributes to advancing your industry and niche market. Entrepreneurship is not a manifestation-based undertaking. Manifestation is said to turn ideas and desires into reality through focused thoughts, beliefs, visualization, and action. However, it can sometimes confuse creators, entrepreneurs, and startup founders on what they should focus on in their brand-building process and journey.

Though our thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality, they must be purpose and value-based on your business idea and concept. It is interesting to note the manifestation of desires or intentions into reality through focused thought, visualization, beliefs, and aligned action is similar to the entrepreneurial mindset. However, it is not clear on creativity and innovation for unique ideation and novel ideas that can translate into tangible business activities that create and provide value for impact and influence in your industry and niche market.

So, your mindset should not be just a manifestation without a practical business idea or concept you can pursue in the market. Manifestation alone does not lead to a well-thought-out business model where you can explore and utilize your skillset, knowledge, and experience to create holistic and humane solutions that optimize brand building.

Business Model

It is the most challenging stage in brand building but can be easy with a special skill set that guide packaging yourself and your venture as a brand to turn it into a viable business for income generation. Manifestation does not qualify the entrepreneurial mindset of being creative with packaging your skillset, knowledge, and experiences for value delivery.

So, it can never be a business strategy. Here, we are not referring to the traditional mindset of business companies like sole traders or limited companies. Those are not business models. The business model is how you plan to execute the big picture of your business for brand building.  

What is the main business activity that will be the umbrella of everything that will promote business growth, expansion, and success? Like us here, is it going to be copywriting, and how are you going to make it massive that it goes on for generational wealth creation?

Value Creation

What is a manifestation of a billion-dollar mansion with zero value creation and addition that benefits the world? Maybe start with yourself and your target audience. If you can’t describe the value of what you are doing in the market for the benefit of yourself and your target audience, you are contributing to the destruction of the economy. And your value is worthless printed notes that hardly translate value in commerce.

So, stop manifestations and explore opportunities for entrepreneurial ideas and projects to participate in the creative economy. Think value creation and addition to enhance your power to turn your desires and intentions into reality. You should see the reality of your manifestation through your business idea or concept, model, and the activities that will churn out the value. Maybe that can be the product, service, or app your target market can relate to and support.

Manifestation is said to involve harnessing the power of the mind to attract or create desired outcomes. However, that can only happen when it is in alignment with the purpose and value of your business venture. Manifestation should be based and guided by your business values and principles of value creation and addition first before sales, profit, or remuneration.

That is why we believe in blog marketing with content that adds value to our readers through inspiration and empowerment in adopting a brand-building mindset for brand identity, positioning, presence, visibility, search, and discoverability online. That will boost sustainability and longevity in the digital market.


That is the most interesting part of the creative industry where most millennials, Gen Z and Y, are still cracking up and battling with this term and what it means in the business landscape. There are many marketing books, but no one seems to have come nearer to how best you should practice it for tangible results in the creative economy.

The only recently explored concept that sheds some light on marketing and enhances digital marketing is how not to sell a product or service but an emotion. And you can sell emotions through branding. However, manifestation does not fit this definition in brand building. If anyone might want to defend it as a marketing and branding strategy, that is dark and skirmish.

One thing I always try to figure out each time I see ads for manifestation workshops and conferences are what business strategy they highlight in presentations. If you are a creator or entrepreneur fueled to have a positive mindset through manifestation, where does that leave you in your brand-building process and journey, where the game is nothing but value creation and addition for sustainability in the market?

 Psychologically as it sounds, I think this notion will help most entrepreneurs and marketers start being creative and innovative in their marketing, not manifesting metrics that have zero human interest and value in their business venture. So, social media marketing won’t be based on virality but quality and substantial value to the audience.

You should focus your manifestation on your business and marketing strategy, not just dreamy viral metrics from irrelevant platforms and inappropriate brand deals that do not enhance your business brand. You cannot continue to sell yourself and your business short by manifesting getting into instant gratification deals without a strategy for solid brand building.


Your measurement should not be a scientific presentation and analysis of metrics from social media platforms. Know what your brand wants to fulfill with your audience. Be as simple as possible by following feedback, financial analytics, and audience interaction with your content and their reaction to your CTAs. 

That should not be forensic in that it leaves you confused about what you are pursuing and doing in your brand-building process and journey based on the purpose and value of your creative venture. In this digital marketing age, with content saturation and fierce competition from AI-generated content, the genuine impact of what you put out online is the determinant factor of capturing an audience. 

Manifestation of such results can never work, nor is it measurable in your digital marketing effort if you resort to manifestation as a business strategy. What do you measure? And what metrics do you analyze to evaluate and assess your brand impact?

So, manifestation can never be a business strategy, and neither can it ever be a brand performance metric for assessing the development and growth of your business venture. Entrepreneurship is a mindset for exploring business opportunities for value creation and addition. And that is tangible and measurable.

Manifestation is like raising a deep consciousness of your dreams and desires. So, it is never a business strategy. Maybe a positive emotion for pursuing your dreams and passions. And that is not measurable until it is a practical business concept and model for value creation. And strategically marketed on relevant and appropriate platforms that boost solid brand building.


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